A dynamic, ever-changing field, law new focuses on the practice of law in a rapidly evolving world. It is a concept that every lawyer must embrace and harness to their advantage, whether they are a solo practitioner or part of a large firm. It encompasses a range of activities, from serving clients in new ways to using technology to finding innovative solutions for client problems. It is a way for legal firms to diversify their work and discover new sources of revenue.
New laws are created in response to specific issues or to update policies that are no longer relevant to society. They are a vital mechanism for Congress to fulfill its role in shaping public policy and reflecting the values of the electorate. A bill must go through multiple stages, including drafting, committee review, and floor debate, in order to be approved by Congress. This process is often slow and tedious, but the benefits of law new may outweigh the challenges.
Laws of New York
A law is a set of rules that governs the actions of citizens, businesses and government agencies in the State of New York. These include the New York Constitution, laws passed by the legislature and periodically codified into the New York Consolidated Laws, and decisions by courts that interpret those laws. New York has a complex system of law that is continually evolving and changing to meet the needs of its citizens.
The Center makes New York City and State government more transparent, understandable, and effective through a variety of programs and publications, including news and explainer articles; research and analysis; a wide range of public events featuring expert guests; in-depth podcast conversations; and other methods. The Center is a project of NYLS and is supported by the Samuel Seabury Foundation.
This guide provides access to online resources for researching federal, New York, and local laws, regulations, and court decisions. It includes full text law and statutory authority sites, websites with commentary from lawyers writing primarily for other lawyers, and government sites providing general information. It also includes links to legal forms, including the New York State Supreme Court Forms Manual and the Uncontested Divorce Packet.
A new law expands the protections available to people who have been abused by family members or household members. This legislation signed by Governor Kathy Hochul will allow these victims to file criminal charges or family offense petitions in Family Court against their abusers. The new law also requires all family and household members to be included in domestic violence protective orders issued by the courts. The new law will take effect March 29, 2024.