Business News Daily For Startups and Early Stage Entrepreneurs

Business News Daily provides startup and early stage business owners with the crucial information they need to launch and grow successful businesses. From corporate scandals to economic reports, our journalists cover the latest business news and stories from around the globe. While a lot of the current headlines focus on large business corporations, there are also plenty of small-business stories that have big implications for entrepreneurs. The recent financial crisis has taught us that even the best-intentioned business leaders can fall prey to personal greed, insufficient scrutiny of their corporate affairs or simply an insensitivity or indifference to public opinion. However, while some have fallen victim to these forces, few, fortunately, have been guilty of deliberate fraud or wickedness. Most have simply been caught up in the changes to how business is conducted, and are trying to play by the new rules.

Business news is any news that pertains to commerce, finance, and markets. It can be found in a variety of media formats, including articles, podcasts, videos, and broadcasts. Traditionally, business news has been published in newspapers and magazines, but it is now available online as well. Many major publications, such as The Wall Street Journal, have a dedicated business news section. In addition, some trade publications, such as those focused on specific industries, may also contain business news coverage that affects their audience.

The Steel Business

In the United States, steel manufacturing was once the backbone of our economy. It was one of our largest employers, a key driver of economic growth, and it helped shape our national security. But when the global financial crisis hit, the industry was reeling. It took decades to recover, but the sector is now thriving again thanks to a more sophisticated and flexible approach to steel production that allows companies to scale up or down as demand fluctuates.

How to Make the Most of Your Social Networking

How to use your social networks to promote your business.
The latest in social media and e-marketing, plus tips for maximizing your profits.
This week’s top business stories
Target Closes a New York Store Over Shoplifting
How a little theft can turn into a massive retail meltdown.
The Global Sperm Count Decline Is Making a Big Business of It
How the decline in male fertility is creating tantalizing opportunities and disorienting politics.

This guide was compiled by the Business Reference Services team at the Library of Congress. We are here to help you with your business research needs, whether it’s identifying print and microform sources for your studies or answering your questions via our Ask-A-Librarian service. For more information, please see the Finding Business Resources guide or contact a librarian for assistance. This guide covers sources available in the Newspaper and Current Periodicals Room at the Library of Congress. To locate business news in other countries, consult your local library catalog or Ask-A-Librarian for assistance.