Healthy Foods For a Healthy Body

What is healthy? The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being”. Various definitions exist, but the basic concept is the absence of disease or infirmity. Listed below are some foods that can help you stay healthy. These include legumes, which are great sources of protein, and garlic, a versatile cruciferous vegetable. If you’re interested in learning more about eating healthy foods, read on!

Exercise boosts HDL cholesterol

There’s a growing body of evidence that exercise can improve HDL cholesterol levels. This is based on the results of numerous studies. Researchers have determined that high-intensity aerobic exercise increases HDL levels by about 6%. Increases in HDL cholesterol are necessary to aid in the removal of LDL cholesterol from the body. In order to reduce levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, the intensity of aerobic exercise must be increased.

Exercise decreases unhealthy triglycerides

Regular exercise helps decrease the levels of unhealthy triglycerides. Aerobics, resistance training, and low-calorie diets can help you lower triglyceride levels. Exercise burns fat and helps the body metabolise sugar. People with high levels of triglycerides should eat a diet rich in nutrient-dense foods, such as leafy green vegetables, nuts, beans, and citrus fruits. Low-fat dairy products and whole grains also can help.

Legumes are a great source of protein

While legumes are traditionally viewed as a source of protein for vegetarians, a growing body of scientific research shows that everyone can benefit from a diet rich in these foods. Legumes are the perfect source of protein for the body, and a cup of cooked lentils provides nearly as much protein as three ounces of beef! Additionally, legumes are high in fiber and contain several essential vitamins and minerals, such as folate, magnesium, selenium, and phosphorus.

Garlic is a versatile cruciferous vegetable

These delicious vegetables are rich in antioxidants and vitamin A and C, and can be enjoyed raw or cooked. The nutrients they provide are very beneficial for the body, and are thought to help reduce inflammation. When properly prepared, cruciferous vegetables can be easily stored for a few months or longer. When cooking cruciferous vegetables, steaming, sautéing, or roasting are the best methods.

Kale is incredibly high in fiber

Consuming a regular serving of kale provides more calcium and vitamin K than you would get from dairy products. These nutrients are necessary for building strong bones and carrying out bodily processes, like muscle and nerve function. Additionally, kale contains fiber, which supports the digestive process and relieves constipation. The high fiber content of kale also contributes to a healthy diet and may even lower the risk of colon cancer. Kale is also high in sulfur, which supports liver health. Furthermore, kale is part of the cruciferous vegetable family, which may promote healthy digestion and remove toxins from the bloodstream.

Cauliflower is a versatile cruciferous vegetable

This cruciferous vegetable is packed with compounds that have been studied for their ability to fight off germs. According to a study in 2015, cauliflower byproducts could inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria that cause foodborne illnesses. In particular, they were effective against Salmonella Typhimurium. These compounds are responsible for the characteristic smell of cooked cruciferous vegetables. If you want to increase the amount of cauliflower in your diet, try preparing a steaming bowl of cauliflower.

Kale is incredibly high in vitamin C

There are many benefits to consuming kale, but what’s so special about this leafy green? One of its most important nutrients is vitamin C. It plays many important roles in the body, including lowering cholesterol and helping the body clot blood. It also contains compounds known to be protective against cancer, including sulforaphane, which has been shown to fight the disease at the molecular level.

Kale is incredibly high in vitamin K

One of the most nutritious green leafy vegetables, kale contains a lot of vitamin K. The nutrient is essential for proper blood clotting, and eating kale provides you with over 50% of your daily recommended allowance. As far as vitamin K content goes, kale is comparable to spinach, which has 817 mcg per 100 grams. Its versatility makes it an ideal food to add to salads and smoothies.