How to Stay Healthy


At the recent SPSP Annual Convention, Danielle Boles presented research that shows that Americans have a poor perception of health. Among the factors that Americans emphasized as defining “health” were the absence of sickness and lack of stress. Those who defined their health as having a “mental balance” were the most stressed and slept the least. What should we do to be healthy? Read on to learn more about the various factors that determine a person’s health.


Excessive body fat is detrimental to health. The body stores excess energy in the form of fat, leading to the development of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. In most cases, Americans consume too many calories. Stress also contributes to increased calorie intake. Even if you are not obese, obesity may affect your mental health. Read on to learn more about the dangers of obesity.


A varied diet is an excellent way to stay healthy. It is important to choose foods from the five food groups that provide a variety of nutrients. Variety also keeps your meals interesting. However, you must realize that some foods don’t fit into any of these food groups. These foods are called discretionary foods and are not considered essential for a healthy diet. Nonetheless, you can enjoy them in moderation. This can help you reduce your risk of chronic diseases.

Physical activity

Studies show that moderate levels of physical activity can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and other serious illnesses. Regular physical activity can improve your overall health and lengthen your life. Regular activity can reduce your risk of accidents and help you maintain an appropriate weight and level of fitness. It can also improve your immune system and preserve your emotional balance. In addition, it can increase your overall mood and energy levels. To maximize these benefits, you should plan to engage in moderate amounts of physical activity every day.

Stress management

Although stressful situations can be inevitable, unrelenting stress can affect your life in several ways. Chronic stress can affect your health, affecting your immune system and increasing your susceptibility to sickness. Fortunately, stress can be managed through a variety of techniques. To start, you can practice mindfulness, a psychological process in which you focus your awareness on the moment. It is also important to get enough sleep and eat a healthy diet.

Spiritual well-being

A healthy spiritual life can enhance your physical and mental well-being. It can help you cope with daily challenges, create a positive attitude, and enjoy life more fully. Spiritual wellness is not confined to religious practices, and can include any activity that inspires you. A daily walk in nature, meditating, listening to music, or journaling are all examples of daily activities that contribute to the development of a spiritual life.