What Are Relationships?


Relationships are natural, evolved biological needs that require closeness and mutual benefit. Whether they are physical or non-sexual, they can be mutually beneficial and challenging. Here are some characteristics of a relationship:

They can be close or distant

Relationships can be close or far-off. Relationships between people who live far away from one another are often called distant relationships. They can be formed using a variety of methods, including mobile phones, e-mails, face-to-face meetings, Skype, and letters. If a couple wants to maintain a relationship, they should plan regular meetings at least once a month. If their relationship is too far-off to be sustained, they should consider going out as a group.

They can be mutually beneficial

A relationship is mutually beneficial if both parties gain from it. A mutually beneficial relationship is a win-win situation and can be legal or unofficial. Mutually beneficial relationships are not necessarily romantic, and the focus is on enjoying each other’s company. Mutually beneficial relationships are created when both partners gain from one another’s activities or interests. The benefits may be financial or subconscious. They do not require commitment or cheating.

Mutually beneficial relationships may involve marriage or a joint venture. They may involve additional work for one company or benefit the other’s customers. It may be a nonprofit association or a business partnership. In either case, it is beneficial for both parties. Relationships that are mutually beneficial are usually non-binding, but they require mutual trust. Mutually beneficial relationships often result in long-term benefits for both partners.

They can be challenging

Some relationships are challenging, and this is especially true if the two people live in the same home. If you and your partner share your space, you’re likely to spend the majority of your free time together. This makes withdrawing for some alone time a difficult task, and is even harder physically. Your partner may need time alone just as much as you do, which leads to a dilemma: Do you give up your alone time and risk upsetting your partner?