What is a Daily News?

A daily news is a newspaper that is published on a regular schedule. These newspapers often have large headlines with vivid photographs, and they usually feature intense city news coverage, celebrity gossip, classified ads, comics, a sports section, and an opinion section. Weekly newspapers are also available, and they tend to have smaller circulations than the larger daily papers, and they are usually limited in geographic coverage areas.

The New York Daily News is one of the most famous daily newspapers in the world, and it has been at the forefront of sensational tabloid journalism for over a century. The paper grew out of the Daily Tribune, which was founded by Joseph Medill Patterson in 1919. Patterson was inspired by the Chicago Tribune, and the Daily News became known as “New York’s Picture Newspaper” because it emphasized vivid photographs of events in addition to the traditional text.

Throughout the decades, the Daily News battled with its rival, the more scandalous New York Post, over circulation numbers. In 1975, the News rolled out what would become its most famous headline—”FORD TO CITY: DROP DEAD.”

By the early 21st century, the Daily News had begun to lose ground to online media outlets, and its circulation was declining rapidly. In 1993, businessman Mortimer Zuckerman bought the News, and he invested $60 million in color presses in an attempt to modernize the paper and boost its sales. The investment paid off, and the Daily News regained its prestige as one of the premier newspapers in the country.

At the same time, however, the paper was losing money because it had given in to union demands over work rules and salaries. By the 1980s, the News was operating at a loss of more than $1 million a month, and it began to consider closing entirely. The decision was ultimately rejected, as severance pay and pensions would have cost in excess of $100 million.

In the 1990s, the News launched several successful spin-off publications, including the quarterly insert BET Weekend for African Americans and the monthly Caribbean Monthly. In 1995, the News left its home of 65 years—the News Building on 42nd Street and Second Avenue—and moved to 450 West 33rd Street (also called Manhattan West). The building was designed by John Mead Howells and Raymond Hood.

Today, the Daily News is owned by Tronc, and it continues to publish its signature broadsheet format. The newspaper also has an online presence, and its digital editions are a top-ranked source for local news and information in the United States. The newspaper’s website features live streaming of some events, and it offers a variety of subscription packages for those who want to read the Daily News on their mobile devices or computers. In addition, the newspaper has a number of apps that provide additional functionality. The Daily News has also expanded its social media engagement and hosts events to celebrate the publication’s rich history of journalism. The News has received numerous awards and accolades, including several Pulitzer Prizes.