Yale Daily News

Daily news is a publication that contains the latest information about current events and affairs. It can be found in print and online and is usually accompanied by a variety of photographs. It can also include celebrity gossip, classified ads, comics and sports news. Many people depend on daily news to keep them updated about the world around them.

The Yale Daily News is a daily newspaper published by students at Yale University during the academic year. It is the oldest college daily newspaper in the United States and is financially and editorially independent from the Yale administration. Students from a wide range of backgrounds and majors contribute to the paper. It is a primary source of news and debate at Yale. Many of its alumni have gone on to prominent careers in journalism and public service.

Founded in 1919 by Joseph Medill Patterson, the New York Daily News was America’s first successful tabloid newspaper and reached its peak circulation in 1947 at nearly 2.4 million copies per day. It attracted readers with sensational pictorial coverage of crime and scandal, lurid photographs and cartoons and entertainment features. Its success was due in large part to a willingness to go to extreme lengths to get the story. This was never more evident than when a reporter strapped a camera to his leg in order to capture an image of Ruth Snyder being electrocuted in her electric chair after her conviction for murdering her husband. The picture was a sensation and made the front page of the newspaper.

By the 1980s, however, the Daily News was in steep decline. Union demands for higher wages and benefits had eaten away at profits. In addition, the tabloid was facing competition from a number of rivals including the New York Times and the Tribune Company’s Daily Mirror. By the time a recession hit in the early 1990s, the Daily News was losing up to $115 million a year.

In 1995, the newspaper moved to a larger facility in Manhattan’s West 33rd Street neighborhood, designed by architects John Mead Howells and Raymond Hood. The building is known as the News Building and still contains a giant globe in its lobby. It is also the location of television station WPIX-TV.

In 2017, as the Daily News’s circulation dwindled, its former owners—Zuckerman and the Tribune Publishing Company (now Tronc)— sold the newspaper for a mere $1. A culling of the staff followed, including the firing of the editor-in-chief, Jim Rich. The result was a resurgence in the newspaper’s notoriety but not its key numbers. The Daily News has continued to struggle in 2021, but an anonymous Yale alumnus made a substantial gift that will help fund the continued development and expansion of the News Archive project. This will enable the Archive to continue to grow and provide a valuable resource for researchers, educators and others. For more information on the News Archive, please see the Yale Library’s News Archive Home Page.