Josette Ross found out that real nutrition was the key to her recovery from postpartum depression in 2003. After learning about the relationship between hormones, libido, and weight, she took control of her health and found that food had a profound impact on her mood, sleep, and hormones. Since then, she has helped thousands of people improve their health through nutrition and lifestyle changes. Read on to find out more about Josette and her story.
Josette’s journey to improve her health with real nutrition
“Real transformation begins inside” is the philosophy behind Josette’s life-changing program Frumpy to Fabulous. As a mom of four, she believes that true transformation begins with the nutrition that we put into our bodies. Josette is a motivational speaker, radio personality for MyFM 101.3, and the author of Frumpy to Fabulous. After obtaining her Bachelor’s degree in Communications from the University of Miami, Josette began her career as a sports producer/reporter at WLTV-Channel 23, a Univision affiliate.
Services offered at GetJosette fitness & nutrition
If you’re interested in improving your fitness levels, personal training is the way to go. Personal trainers are qualified coaches who supervise the process. GetJosette Fitness & Nutrition is one such facility. Upon signing up for a session, a qualified trainer will ask you a few questions regarding your lifestyle, nutrition, and medical background. He or she will then come up with a customized training plan based on your needs.
Phone number for GetJosette
If you’re interested in getting personal training and are wondering what the phone number for GetJosette fitness n nutrition is, you’ve come to the right place. This fitness and nutrition company has a physical location at 6 Main St, Medway, MA 02053. Call the phone number below to speak with a live person. You can also visit their website for more information. Phone numbers for GetJosette fitness & nutrition are listed below.
GetJosette fitness & nutrition is a fitness and nutrition studio that is open for members. The owner, Josette Puig, believes that healthy food is the key to losing weight. Members receive nutrition education, including clean-eating recipes and meal plans. The trainer also lets you choose two days of dessert a week. This way, you can still enjoy that ice cream cone after you work out.